High-quality drinking water

FROM LEFT: Baffrey, Marcial and Sevilla.

FROM LEFT: Baffrey, Marcial and Sevilla.

MANILA WATER has successfully launched a new product for its customers in the eastern part of Metro Manila: Healthy Family Purified Water. The DOH- and FDA-approved bottled water undergoes stringent treatment and purification processes in its bottling plants.

In reality, eight out of 10 customers don’t drink from the tap, even if Manila Water has been guaranteeing clean, safe and potable water for the past 18 years, because they don’t trust their household’s reticulation system.

Manila Water executives, Robert Baffrey, Sharon Marcial and Jeric Sevilla announced the new product at the Bulong Pulungan forum at Sofitel. Healthy Family’s advocacy is to make sure that each family can afford high-quality drinking water without compromising safety, at a fraction of the price of premium bottled-water brands. Call 737-1588.

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