Alice Dixson is older, wiser, sexier

Alice Dixson remains a “crush ng bayan,” even now that she’s in her 40s. She’s such a health buff, but she also lets her hair down every now and then.

Alice has been prodding me to try yoga. She even fetched me at home so I could join her yoga class. I joked, “Please lend me your body, even for a day, so I won’t have to exercise anymore!”


Alice is such a child-woman. Her joie de vivre rubs off on you. For those in search of the fountain of youth, let Alice lead the way.

Here’s my tête-à-tête with Alice:

What do you miss about being married?

I actually don’t miss anything because I’m an independent woman, I can do anything on my own. However, I still dream of having a lifelong partner. When I first got married, I had a lot of dreams, but it didn’t work out that way. I became cynical. But in all fairness, my marriage to my ex-husband never limited me in developing myself or my career. I’m beginning to learn how to move on.

What do you love most about being single?

I like meeting new people, going out, traveling… however, I miss traveling with someone.

What state is your heart in?

Right now, I am happy where I am. My heart is kind of sad because my mom just passed away. I feel like I have a hole in my heart, but eventually I know it will pass.

What’s your message to separated women on moving on?

It’s usually a woman’s decision to separate from a man… she needs to plan what she’s going to do when she’s separated. In my case, I don’t have kids so it was easier. For women with children, it’s more complicated. In any case, if they want to move on, the most important thing is to have your family there to support you through the very difficult transition.

Did you go through an ugly duckling phase?

When I was 9 or 10 I was a tomboy till I was 12. My father wanted to have a boy so he taught me everything that boys do—fish, dig for worms, skateboard… But no, I felt empowered because I could do boys’ activities. I knew that there were guys who were attracted to me, but I found them weird.

What are the three products you can’t live without?

Moisturizer, hair conditioner and my lip balm.

Tell us about your detox regimen.

Visit and download the PDF file that explains everything about the detox. It’s a 10-day commitment where you rest your digestive system so it can heal itself and detoxify. I highly recommend it.

How has Belo’s PicoSure procedure helped enhance your beauty?

It helped with my sunspots and tightened areas that were starting to sag. I don’t believe in cosmetic surgery as we age. PicoSure is a great way to do some enhancements.

You always seem so poised. Have you done anything baduy (uncool)?

In “Eat Bulaga, I tripped over my half slip, which fell during an audition. To those I’m close to, I love making jokes and I’m very sarcastic, in a nonhurtful way.

If you were to give marriage a second try, what would you do differently?

I would get to know that person really well first before I get married. I had a short engagement before I got married, so I didn’t really get to know the person well enough. We had different goals, values and dreams.

What I learned is, you can’t change a person, so if he doesn’t have the same values, your future will not be aligned with his.