Kris Aquino reveals being yelled at by 2 men at Bangkok airport

Kris Aquino

Kris Aquino. FILE PHOTO

TV-host actress Kris Aquino experienced on Wednesday a “stressful” incident at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok while she and her two sons were on their way to Manila.

Aquino narrated in her Instagram account that two irate men shouted at her while waiting in line at the airport.

“Get out of my f**king way because I want to get out of this f**king country,” Aquino wrote in an Instagram post pertaining to what the men had supposedly told her.

Aquino said she was shocked since they were not blocking anyone and were properly in line.

Though she believed she was within her rights, she decided not to answer back because her “haters” could easily make the incident appear that it was her fault.

“I chose to keep my dignity and didn’t reply,” she said.

kris aquino instagram

Screengrab from Kris Aquino’s Instagram

“God saw what happened and somehow my turning the other cheek must account for some good girl points,” she added.

Despite the incident, she said she managed to oblige for some photo opportunity with the airline’s crew during and before their flight.

The presidential sister said the two men were seated near them inside the plane.

“It was so stressful that when my sons and I got to the plane, they were seated near us,” she said in mix English and Filipino, adding that they were able to get back to Manila safely after the incident.

Aquino shared a lesson she learned from the incident saying, “we all have our burdens, we have difficulties, but it is character that defines how we carry them. And it is conducting your life with dignity that will help you live a life of peace.”

She also recalled a lesson she learned for her mom, former President Corazon Aquino.

“People in public life live under a magnifying glass… And it’s something I trained myself to live with. My Mom always reminded me “to whom much is given, much is expected in return,” she said.

She said she is proud that despite all the criticism hurled against her and her family, they never used their power to their advantage. NC/DPL


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