8 life lessons from Demi Lovato


Photo by Hotaru Niitsu

MANILA, Philippines—It’s only been days since singer-actress-philanthropist Demi Lovato graced Manila with her presence but instead of a bad case of post-concert depression, we’re still on a high from what had transpired last Thursday night. Not only had Demi managed to give an exceptional performance and proved just how darling she was, but upon closer inspection, there were also nuggets of wisdom just waiting to be unearthed from her set. Here are 8 lessons that can be gleaned from Demi’s latest concert in Manila.

1. Be direct to the point. Demi started things with a bang as she led the crowd right into a rave with a rock version of “Really Don’t Care”. With great vigor, she encouraged her fans to sing Cher Lloyd’s verse with her, and the crowd did so with gusto. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you start a concert.


Instagram photo from @cheskaloo

2. Don’t be afraid to change things up. Without stopping for breath, Demi instantly launched into the second song and kept the crowd guessing through an energetic display of drum-playing which turned to a rehashed version of one of her early songs, “The Middle”. In keeping with the rock theme, the song turned from her 2008 pop-rock style to straight up badass with more drums and more powerful vocals.


Instagram photo from @lovatonewsss

3. If you got it, flaunt it. Aside from the black and gold ensemble that beautifully showed off the singer’s natural curves all night, the next three songs of the set also showed off Demi’s exquisite vocal range. “Firestarter,” “Remember December,” and “Heart Attack” had the crowd belting out lyrics with her, filling the entire venue with a palpable energy.

Instagram photo from @roche101500

4. Remember to slow it down every once in a while. After all the headbanging that had taken place, our favorite 22-year-old decided to take a breather and sat down to talk to her fans. She thanked each and every one for coming out that night and hoped out loud that everyone is having the best time with her.

“You guys are bright like little stars,” Demi said before the first few bars to “My Love is Like a Star,”, the first slow song of the night, swelled over the arena. The crowd responded by turning on the flashlights of their phones and swaying to the beat, making the venue look like a sky full of stars.

Instagram photo from @keithlagbao

5. Look back at your roots. In a moment of true humility, Demi said, “I never imagined I would be fortunate enough to travel to the Philippines. I mean, I hoped and I prayed that people will hear my words on this side of the world.” This was after she sang the first hits that helped launched her to fame like “Get Back”  and a guitar mashup between “Don’t Forget” and “Catch Me.”  She even gave a nod to her Disney roots through a powerful rendition of “Let It Go.”

Instagram photo from @devonniall

6. Give back the support you get. Lovatics know exactly what their idol has been through the past few years because Demi herself made it transparent through her music and social media. Through it all, her fans provided her with an incredible support system, and she wanted to do the same for them. Before launching into a touching performance of “Warrior,” she gave out a little reminder to the crowd, “When you’re having a rough time, turn my music on. I may not be in your country every day, but my music is.”

Instagram photo from @maeganmonsanto

7. Keep being you. Before starting on “Nightingale,” she doled out another nugget of wisdom: “Keep singing at the top of your lungs.” This sentiment was complemented when she sang “Skyscraper”.

Instagram photo from @roche101500

8. End with a bang, not a sparkle. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, but “sad” was the last thing on everyone’s minds as they raved to an electric performance of “Neon Lights.” With a final “Thank you, Manila!”, Demi exited the stage to an explosion of smoke and confetti and left everyone momentarily stunned.

After that night, it’s safe to say that the child actress truly grew up to be a force to be reckoned with. Fully aware of the influence she has over impressionable young minds, she uses her voice and personal experiences to inspire her fans to be strong and be the best versions of themselves. Last Thursday night, she shared the spotlight with her fans and lavished them with sincere adoration. We like to believe that her world tour is more than just a string of concerts; it’s an excursion around the world to visit her friends.