Fun celebration marks Boots’ 70-year milestone

RODRIGO. Meaningful advocacies.

RODRIGO. Meaningful advocacies.

We were still sick-ish last weekend, but we made it a point to catch Boots Anson Roa Rodrigo’s 70th birthday bash—a landmark celebration in any senior’s continuing chronology. Thanks to Boots’ King for inviting us to what turned out to be a really fun soiree, with Melvin Sumalinog in charge of the musical entertainment.

Boots shared that, earlier that day, she had brought breakfast for 300 to the hospice run by Mother Teresa’s order’s nuns in Tondo, one of the advocacies of her centenarian but still dynamic mother-in-law. With her for great inspiration, Boots could (should!) be around for a really long time, too!

At the intimate celebration (donations to Mowelfund were requested, in lieu of gifts), we touched base with our past pilgrimage-mates, Chiqui Roa Puno and Bibsy Carballo, inveterate travelers both, and talked about an “immersion” exposure to Chiqui’s Antipolo, which may be close to Manila but has “secret” treats still relatively unknown to daytripping tourists.

Finally, Boots’ special birthday should be a timely reminder to other stars and starlets to also support Mowelfund, which helps hundreds of show biz old-timers cope with their health needs, as well as the education of their children. The biz we’re in can be quite ungrateful to former workers, so Mowelfund needs everybody’s attention—and donations!

Chinese film festival

Our night-out treat for the week is the ninth Spring Festival of outstanding movies from the People’s Republic of China, unreeling from Feb. 13 to 20 at Shangri-La Plaza’s Shang Complex. Our special treat last week was a preview screening of Chen Kaige’s “Caught in the Web,” an exceptionally absorbing and timely film that everyone attending the film fest should make a beeline for!

Its story takes off when a white-collar worker, Ye, refuses to give up her seat on the bus to a senior citizen and a TV intern records the incident on video. When it’s aired, it sparks intense debate on and off the Internet, and results in huge and telling changes in Ye’s life, as well as the people around her.

Other festival films on view: Wong Kar-Wai’s “The Grandmaster,” “Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit” (full-length animation), “Love Deposit,” “Sunlight on Fingertips” and “Beijing Blues.” For details, call 370-2500.

Aside from the Spring Fim Festival, the Shang proudly showcases other Chinese arts, including a painting exhibit (Feb. 13-20), art workshops (Feb. 19) and Lion and Dragon dances (Feb. 22). See you at the Shang!

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