Holiday Cheer: Ai-Ai de las Alas

Ai-Ai de las Alas

Ai-Ai de las Alas

Every year, I hire professionals to decorate our Christmas tree. It’s 14-feet tall and I can’t do it. Every year, the motif changes. This year, the color scheme is apple green and fuchsia. Last year, it was violet. A few days ago, my “caring group” came by to give me the gifts of Brother Bo Sanchez, two books: “Is Your Love Tank Empty?” (by Sanchez) and “How to Become a Happy Retiree” (by Dean Pax Lapid). I’ve been reading Bo’s books even before we joined the same caring group. It has become a Christmas tradition for me to visit the Missionaries of Charity in Tondo. This year my caring group will join me there again. My kids are arriving from the United States, so we will be complete for the holidays. We usually have lots of food for noche buena—ham, cheese (but I don’t like the taste of queso de bola). Bayani San Diego Jr.