The transformation of Timmy Cruz
Back in the 1980s, singer-actress Timmy Cruz’s claims to fame were such romantic hits as “Boy,” “Joke Lang (Just Kidding),” and “Tingin (Look)”—all composed by Mon del Rosario. Having adapted an introspective lifestyle, the love songs she sings now are mostly devotional.
Timmy recently launched her latest collection, “Circles of Love,” inspired by her meditation practice. Her previous inspirational songs were written by other composers; for these ones she lovingly penned both music and lyrics.
“Circles of Love” was launched at the Brahma Kumaris Center for Spiritual Learning in Tagaytay, where she attends classes on character building. One memorable track is “Butterfly,” which she says is symbolic of her transformation. Since childhood, she relates, people have praised her for her beauty. However, she admits, once she took a good look at herself, she saw all her flaws. She embarked on a journey of transformation, which brought her a sense of freedom.
For a long time, although she wrote lyrics to her songs, she had to work within restrictions set by composers. One day, during her daily swim, a butterfly caught her eye, which inspired her to henceforth create her own music. Thus breaking out of her cocoon, she unleashed her inner composer. Timmy enthuses, “Centered and immersed in the love of God, here is my new work, my new me!”
(For details on “Circles of Love,” contact