Essential truths

Some people use the line, “lose your ego” or “let the ego go”—but, this concept is flawed. Some essential truths:

Ego refers to the self. The ego is I.

The self is undying, eternal, indestructible and imperishable.

Only the material body of the self is subject to destruction.

One can never lose the ego or terminate its existence.

We don’t become nothing or stop existing at any time.

If one accepts his existence, a question that is essential for self-realization arises: Who am I?

A self-realized person understands the ancient truth, “I am the soul—the life force—within this material vehicle. I’m part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, and I am His servant.”

An enlightened being knows his eternal nature and desires to go back to his spiritual abode with the Supreme Friend.

An intelligent person works to attain eternal happiness and satisfaction. He isn’t satisfied with temporary and mundane things.

The ego is real. The condition in which we exist is our own choice and decision. Whether we choose material or spiritual happiness is up to us. Our destiny is in our hands!
