Weighing in on ‘heavy’ show biz issues

ESTRADA. Tempest in a testy teapot.

ESTRADA. Tempest in a testy teapot.

For some strange reason, a number of people are making too big of a loud deal of Karla Estrada’s decision to audition for “The Voice.” Daniel Padilla’s feisty mom made it to the singing tilt’s “blind audition” phase, but none of the competition’s mentors turned their chairs for her, so Karla’s critics or dissers are sardonically concluding that she was “napahiya”—and, by maternal association, also her son.

Pardon our cluelessness, but we fail to see what’s so “nega” about Karla’s impulsive decision to try her luck on “The Voice.” She sings fairly well, the tilt is open to hopefuls of all ages, celebs and non-celebs alike—so, what’s the big deal?

It could be that some of Karla’s snide and sour dissers are fans of Daniel’s rivals, so they’re actually hitting him “by association,” so Karla is actually just “collateral damage” in this whole teapot in a testy tempest.

Well, show biz typhoons and tsunamis last only a day or so in these parts before inveterate dissers and bashers look for other targets to hit, so Karla should be home free by now, happy that she acted on her “bucket list” dream—and all those “nega” kibitzers can all go hang—!

Subjective reporting

The next issue we’re reacting to is the perceived “subjectification” of local news programs, particularly the conduct of TV news anchors.

In the past, only the “TV Patrol” people used to occasionally subjectively comment on the news, which news readers are never supposed to do. These days, however, even GMA 7 news anchors have sometimes been interspersing their reports with subjective comments and reactions. Why are they following suit?

A possible reason could be provided by a recent comment on “TV Patrol,” to the effect that some of the anchors felt that, for some viewers, their casual commentaries after the newscast proper were the best thing about their show!

Is this, in fact, true? So, some viewers really like it when TV news anchors go subjective on them and conclude their program with chatty and even gossipy notes about this and that?

We hope that most viewers still prefer scrupulously objective reportage, so they can make up their own minds about the significance of news events that affect them and their lives. —But, is this still in fact the case? If so, why are even GMA anchors now “going subjective” on us?

Everybody, just please stop this downward spiral and go back to professionally objective mode! It’s the only way to go.