Making a positive impact

There are people who strive to make a positive impact in the world they inhabit. Here are five lessons we can learn from those who dedicate their lives to serving others:

Recognize that we are not the Supreme Controller. We are His children, which makes us related to one another. If we live by this truth, the suffering from unrest and the depletion of Mother Earth’s resources will stop, and we can coexist in harmony.

Our time in this world is limited. We can do good by practising selflessness. Selfishness has never led anyone to happiness.

Material things and sense enjoyment aren’t genuinely fulfilling. Examples of this are the rich, famous and beautiful individuals who become addicted to illegal drugs or those who choose to take the easy way out by committing suicide.

Cultivate a caring culture. Caring is borne out of love, which drives us to serve others without getting anything in return.

Turn a dire situation into a good one and use it as an opportunity to develop inner wisdom. Serve as a good example!
