Famous Hollywood hunk trashes rented limo

Rushes goes international with this story which comes from a spy who worked on the set of a Hollywood movie.

In his youth, Handsome Hunk had a string of older gay benefactors. While he hooked up with Influential Moguls to get ahead in his career, HH considered Beautiful Buddy as his one great love.

When they costarred in a movie together, HH often hung out in BB’s trailer. Both often got soused or high throughout filming.

For the premiere of that movie, producers hired a limo for HH. When the bill arrived, the execs were aghast: the ride cost thousands of dollars!

Apparently, after a night of carousing, HH and his entourage trashed the limousine.

According to our mole, the car was littered with used prophylactics and hypodermic needles, empty beer bottles, and soiled garments. Ew.

Oldie but goodie

Brazen Personality is at it again with a new prospect: Wealthy Entrepreneur.

Unlike Previous Entanglement, WE is older than BP. That’s okay; but he’s not single. He is separated from Stunning Celebrity, child of Beloved Icon.

According to a spy, WE had already warned SC about BP, perhaps knowing that BP has a tendency to blab about personal matters. (True enough!)

WE jumped the gun so as not to leave SC in a state of shock.


Sultry Starlet seems to have developed a nasty work attitude. Producers are quick to blame SS’ handlers, tagging them “inconsistent” and “incompetent.” But SS needs to take part of the blame.

The shoot of a major project was packed up because of her.

Was that because of a certain intrigue that she was recently involved in? Is she throwing a tantrum to get even with people who wronged her?

Is SS a diva-in-the-making?

Denial princess

Perky Starlet would rather believe she dumped Hunky Beau because he was an inveterate flirt.

The truth is far more painful.

While it was true that HB regularly cheated on PS, it was not just with other girls. More often, HB went out on “dates” with rich gays. HB is a pro.

PS, however, would rather turn a blind eye on HB’s sideline, saying, “He is just a playboy.” A playboy-for-rent?


From Inquirer tabloid Bandera:

Crabby Celebrity is often spotted in airport terminals. Every time a returning Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) asks for a snapshot, CC pretends to be taking a phone call.

Once, an OFW approached CC, who flashed a gadget—it was not even a phone—to make an imaginary call. What a power tripper!

CHARICE was nervous about recent interview with godmother Oprah Winfrey.

What pleasure could CC possibly derive from depriving an OFW of a souvenir photo? As a result, CC has lost not a few fans among OFWs, who make sure everyone knows about the megalomaniac’s arrogance.

Top of the Talk Shows

For those who missed last weekend’s TV gabfests (and why we are moved, if we are moved):

Ara on rumors that sister Cristine Reyes is pregnant: “Hindi pa napag-uusapan… pero if it’s true, siya naman talaga ’yung kapatid ko na prangka.” (And that’s all we have to say on the matter?) Startalk, The Buzz