Fatherhood brings out the best in Piolo Pascual

PASCUAL. “I’m a homebody—I hang out with my friends at home.”

What keeps Piolo Pascual busy these days? He topbills the family drama, “Hawak Kamay,” and hosts “A.S.A.P.” every Sunday. He admits, “I’m a Mama’s boy—and that’s OK, because that’s how I’ve been brought up. My Mom raised me to be focused, independent and spiritual.”

The actor does not have a girlfriend at the moment, but he says he’s romantic: “I love being loved and being in love—but, there should be courtship. I believe in destiny.” He’s already in his late 30s, but marriage is something he seriously prepares for, because “I want to have saved enough for my family and be a good provider.”



How does he describe himself? He replies, “I’m simple and quiet. I’m a homebody—I hang out with my friends at home. I play pool. My room is my sanctuary. I listen to CDs to relax and sleep.”

Fatherhood brings out the best in Piolo —that’s why he misses his 17-year-old son, Iñigo, who lives with his mom abroad. He admits, “I wish I had more time with him! I don’t want him to enter show biz just yet, I want him to finish his studies first!”