Snakes, guinea pigs in PBB

“PINOY Big Brother”

From reader Elaine Viguilla (e-mail address withheld upon request):

A note to “Pinoy Big Brother: All In” producers and staff members responsible for the July 29th episode where guinea pigs, snakes, and other animals were used in a “challenge.”

As an animal rights advocate and a concerned citizen, I strongly condemn the use of animals—innocent, sentient beings—for the sake of entertainment.

Let alone the rough handling by some contestants, the animals’ containment in cramped cases was in itself troubling.

Animals are not playthings. If this had happened in more progressive countries like the United States, the backlash would have been immediate and overwhelming.

That said, let me ask: What happened to the animals used in that episode? Have they been given to responsible homes? I pray they’re not languishing in some basement or storage room. I pray they were not carelessly disposed of.