How Alice Dixson still turns heads

ALICE Dixson

At age 44, Alice Dixson still gets mistaken for someone in her 30s. “A guy told me that,” she said, laughing. “He was probably pulling my leg.”

The beauty queen-turned-actress recounted the incident at her recent media launch as endorser of the lifestyle store GNC, held at Blackboard, The Podium, in Pasig City.

Her whistle-bait figure and flawless skin confirm the guy’s observation. Also, she appeared last year in a sexy spread in a men’s magazine.

Being active when she was young helped her achieve fitness goals, Dixson said. “My dad taught me macho activities when I was a kid, so I was very athletic,” she recalled. “I could put bait on a hook [for fishing] and played basketball, softball.”

One thing she regrets is “not taking better care of my stomach.” Her digestive system’s sensitivity prevents her from eating certain kinds of food, like spicy dishes.

Dixson said the key to remaining fit is motivation. “You must have a goal that you are determined to reach,” she stressed.

Simple formula


She cautioned against obsession with weight. “I know skinny people who are not healthy, and heavier ones who are healthier,” Dixson said.

“It’s all about staying active,” she elaborated. “When I started running, I gained weight pero gumanda ang waistline ko, my muscles got toned. Exercise more, eat less—it’s as simple as that.”

Work sometimes prevents her from observing that formula. What she does, the actress said, is take supplements, “such as vitamin E and collagen.”

She added. “And get enough sleep. The body needs that to recover from everything you did.”

Dixson counseled colleagues, especially: “If you have an early call time, don’t stay up too late drinking. You can go out, have one cocktail and then go home early.”