How to communicate clearly

Here RW some tips on communicating in this age of quarrel and confusion:

1. We’re already stressed out about the world’s numerous complexities. So, if you want to communicate properly, keep it simple and clear.

2. If communication lacks clarity, just verify. It’s better to get to the truth of the matter than sit complacently in ignorance.

3. When one is angry, the truth is difficult to see.


4. When a person has no respect for others and sees himself as the only authority, he cannot truly hear what others are saying.

5. The false ego of a person always claims, “I know” or “I already know that.” It doesn’t like to be taught or corrected.

6. Speaking nicely and humbly is much better than speaking arrogantly and tactlessly.

7. The words of a humble person have no spikes and arrows to hurt.

8. Stay away from gossip just as you would avoid stepping on dog poo.

9. Truth from the Source of all truths is wonderful and enlightening. If you are a medium for the truth, you can bring light to darkness and confusion.

10. We are imperfect beings with limited intelligence. Don’t invent your own version of the truth.