Allan Adarna upstages Ellen

Ellen Adarna Exercise Video Parody (starring Allan Adarna)

MANILA, Philippines—Hit the showers Ellen, a new Adarna is ready to work-out on the heavy bag.

After Ellen Adarna’s tittilating exercise video raked in more than 3.9 million views on YouTube, Allan Adarna is set to conquer the Internet.

Egon Layson stars as Allan in the parody video that video-makers Green Mango posted on YouTube on Sunday.

Currently boasting of a humble 37,047 views, the parody which features an overweight man clad in nearly the same outfit, with only a major size difference, as the actress while doing a spoof of the video.

The highlight of the video, Layson’s censored chest area which as a pseudo-tribute to Adarna’s scintillating punching routine.


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