A bullying victim’s ordeal

Here’s a letter from a relative: “My brother, Raul, passed away recently. On behalf of my three other siblings, who all reside in the United States, I thank Raul’s classmates who went to the wake and shared with us what they knew of him.

“While I am deeply saddened by their stories, I developed admiration for my brother’s perseverance. Their stories revealed what my brother went through as a grade school and high school student in an all-boys Catholic school. He was a victim of bullying. Despite what he was subjected to, he managed to complete high school and even took two years of college in the same institution!

“Raul was smart and was always studying, so I wasn’t surprised that he was in the honors class. He was kind and patient with me, his pesky youngest brother, as he helped me with my English homework. He kept his troubles to himself, as my mother was a young widow then and was struggling to put all her six kids through school. She was unaware of his ordeal.

Not strong enough

“We pray that those who witnessed Raul’s hardships will teach their children and grandchildren kindness, compassion and fairness. My brother may not have been strong enough to defend himself from physical and mental torture, but he deserved respect.

“The best way to teach is by example. Adults must be compassionate, so that the youth won’t turn into bullies, or will seek help if they see someone being bullied. Even if the Anti-bullying Law is passed, it could be difficult to enforce within the closed corridors of schools.

“Raul was able to work briefly as a proofreader. However, he also had a lifelong struggle with mental illness which we, his family, are only beginning to fully grasp. After a valiant struggle with pneumonia, following soon after my sister and mother passed away, my brother passed away quietly during his sleep.”

May Raul’s story inspire others to rally against bullying, which ruins the lives of its weak and often silent victims!