Developing patience

A great sage once said, “A person must develop his ‘muscles’ of patience. Without them, one cannot do much work. Those muscles are strengthened by challenges that call for perseverance and determination. If we are only willing to do the least amount of work, we won’t develop those muscles.”

Patience is also founded on the belief that an admirable goal is worth all the sacrifice. For example, knowing that the mango tree will bear sweet fruits, we’re willing to water the tree through many summers.

Highest goal

Similarly, as we seek for a better existence, we must have faith that the process we’re following will lead us to a brighter future. The highest goal is the pursuit of spiritual devotion to the Supreme Person. Some proverbs on patience to guide us:

“One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.” —Chinese proverb

“Food must be eaten bite by bite; a journey must be taken step by step.” —Chinese

“A person who is burning with impatience can never eat hot porridge!” —Chinese

“Many little drops of water can turn into a mighty river!” —Chinese

“A thousand-mile journey starts under your feet.” —Chinese

“True patience consists of bearing what’s unbearable.” —Japanese

“One minute of patience bears 10 years of peace.” —Greek

“A little impatience spoils great plans!” —Chinese

“Patience is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden.” —Italian

“The salt of patience seasons everything!” —Italian