Vying for viewers’ ‘extreme’ attention

“TOTAL DIVAS.” Delves into the private lives of champion female wrestlers.

With so many cable TV channels vying for viewers’ rapt attention, producers are twisting themselves into pretzel shapes trying to come up with the most compelling eye candy, shock value, or any other plus factor that won’t land them in jail. —Well, judging from the latest “extreme” reality TV shows on view, just barely!

Topping the list this month is an incredible “medical” feature on a man who is being prepped up for surgery to remove—his 132-lb scrotum.

—That’s right, the unfortunate guy had a testicular sac the size of a baby carriage or coffee table, and he would have to trundle it around as he walked—to everyone’s great discomfort (and horror)!

So, it really stood to reason that he should get rid of the huge burden! The wonder was why he waited until now to finally get the surgery over and done with, so he could rejoin the human race as a normal person who no longer has to give his overachieving appendage a name and introduce it around as his favorite pet—! (Kidding.)

Expectedly, the unusual feature made a big to-do about the complicated operation that a crack team of surgeons performed on their most unusual patient. First, they had to go back to basics and locate the rest of his external sexual characteristics, which for years had been completely overwhelmed by the 132-lb growth.



Once they had ascertained that “they” hadn’t permanently relocated to Abu Dhabi, they then proceeded to excise the growth itself, to free their hapless patient from his decades-long predicament.

After he was finally liberated, it took a huge garbage bag to contain his excised burden, and then he was finally free to go back to “normal” life—hopefully, with no withdrawal symptoms to rain on his now fancy-free parade!

Considerably less horrifying but also decidedly unusual is “Total Divas,” a reality show that graphically delves into the private lives of—champion female wrestlers!

Speaking of all-female features, another TV show recently did a feature on a hotel in Australia that had one whole floor designated as a “women only” space—no male patrons allowed!

The novel attraction was a huge hit with female travelers, because it lavished them with cosmetics, magazines and other perks meant specifically for them, and they could dash from door to door in less than “appropriate” wear, because they were assured that no males would be surreptitiously eyeballing them! —Could the novel feature catch on here?

Banking more on shock value is the reality program poetically titled “Polyamore,” which means amore taken to plural heights. —That’s right, the show features men and women who believe that, in sex if not in love, sharing is the best policy!

Viewers’ eyebrows rise as the polygamists and polyandrists casually share intimate peeks into their unusual lifestyle—but, that’s precisely why the show was thought up in the first place!
