
This world is full of conflict. Our insights on peace might help you find solace in the midst of turmoil:

Society will only find peace if its citizens have it in their hearts.

Peaceful resolution of conflict brings people to a higher level of understanding and maturity.

It’s hard for a greedy man to find peace, because his selfishness always keeps him agitated.

A harvest of peace comes from the seeds of Divine Love.


Mutual respect

Peace is possible if there’s wisdom and mutual respect.

Attachment develops from material desires. Peace fades away when intelligence is lost.

There’s no real progress or success without peace.

It’s easier for a person who doesn’t enjoy gossip or faultfinding to find peace in his heart.

Wellness comes from peacefulness and wisdom, not from wealth and power.

Some leaders fight over  the smallest issues and cause harm to many people. They’re blinded by power and wreak havoc on the world.

Peace can only be found if a person rests his mind at the feet of the Supreme Beloved. In His perfect shelter, there’s no fear, agitation and insecurity!