
Cowardice takes many forms. Here are some Philippine proverbs compiled and edited by Damiana Eugenio, followed by our own comments, in parentheses:

To avoid danger is not cowardice. (Cowards are bound by fear and don’t really see where danger lies. A brave man faces the truth and knows how to keep himself safe.)

To disclaim your mistake is a sign of cowardice. (It would be wise for politicians to adopt this motto.)

To stoop as a bullet passes isn’t cowardice, for it is foolhardy to meet it only to fall and never rise again. (Bravery also means being smart and responsible.)

Cowards are brave when they have no enemy. (Cowards are boastful and proud when they aren’t challenged by smarter folks.)

A coward fears his own shadow (the truth about himself).

Comfort zone

A coward hardly walks in the forest. (He prefers living in his comfort zone, instead of accepting challenges.)

A coward is a liar. (We hear about cowards in media all the time. They spin tales and protect their own interests.)

A coward leads a miserable life. (They’re miserable, even if they own 10 condominium units.)

A coward runs even if he isn’t wounded. (Cowards don’t like facing difficulties to help others. They’re the first to leave during a crisis.)

Healthy rice