Missing Manila – but not its gossip

DAY. Returns with a new album—in German!

Franklin Boba-Dilla e-mails me entertainment news that could be of interest to nostalgic film buffs in Manila, the latest being about Marlene Dietrich, who was given a star on Berlin’s Walk of the Stars.

The actress was considered competition for the likes of Greta Garbo and other Hollywood sexpots like Mae West and Jean Harlow before the studios declared her box-office poison like Katharine Hepburn and Joan Crawford.

Lucrative career

She found a lucrative career in vaudeville and nightclubs, scintillating at the Riviera with her ageless beauty. She also recorded a number of albums.

Franklin’s next news surprised me: Doris Day has apparently come out of retirement and recorded a new album – of German songs! I’m glad that Day is back – because, as a performer, her energy is infectious!

On the other hand, Nils, my German grandnephew, is reading “Harry Potter” – no wonder he screams, “Abracadabra,” as well as other magic-related terms, once in a while.

Meanwhile, his tiny sister, Lili, has her own world and argues according to her own logic, and she expects us to understand her reasoning. Linus, the middle child, also demands the same kind of attention, so when he doesn’t get it, he gets angry!


Since I do not speak German, I observe people’s actions on Deutsch television. This is one of the few times I appreciate pantomime, because it helps me understand what’s going on – otherwise, I’d be at a loss!

I miss Manila for what it is. But, one of its differences from Germany is instructive: I don’t miss the gossip on Philippine television that gives importance to second-hand information concerning only a few individuals.

I cannot imagine Manila-style “tsismis” being made much of in Germany.  When news is given hereabouts, they’re honest-to-goodness stories, not gossip pretending to be news. I don’t miss that part of home, bittersweet home!