Updates on Lady Gaga’s ‘ARTPOP’ studio album

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Lady Gaga doesn’t only continue to elicit excitement from her fans but a growing anticipation too for her third studio album ‘ARTPOP’. In the past two years, Lady Gaga hasn’t released a new studio-album. But in the meanwhile, she has made sure to keep her fans posted on the latest news concerning ‘ARTPOP.’

A few days ago, Lady Gaga went on a Twitter spree to reassure her fans of what to expect and what not to expect on the quality of ‘ARTPOP’.  Here is one of those Tweets: “Oh, & just a suggestion… use HEADPHONES when listening to the new music, ‘ARTPOP ‘ is ELECTRONIC CANDY & DELISH ON THE EARS,” she tweeted.

That tidbit of info shared by Lady Gaga is timely. She is gearing up for a return and set to make a global impact once again that will be felt in the whole spectrum of popular music. Lady Gaga has become a brand in herself and is almost like a dominant force in music that she just beats out the rest of her competition as she continues to push the envelope when it comes to the definition of who she really is as an artist.

Lady Gaga has her name safely secured in the annals of pop music history. Whether you are in favor of her or not, there is no denying that fact. For good or bad, it does seem that Lady Gaga will find a way to make her presence felt in popular culture. She is one of those artists that don’t come along often and probably, we will not see another one like her for a long time after her career would have wound down in the future. She will still inspire more emulators to come out of the woodwork. On the other hand, Lady Gaga will still continue to gain the ire of her harshest critics.

Very soon we will know if ‘ARTPOP’ will be well received like her last two studio-releases. Why? Because some could say that Lady Gaga has already peaked, creatively. While that is a valid point that can be raised and put into proper context when you consider and not discount everything she has done so far to remain in the limelight, we still just have to wait and see if all the publicity and hype surrounding the upcoming release of ‘ARTPOP’ will justify the actual contents of the album when fans finally get their hands on it and can make a ruling for themselves. I have a strong suspicion, though; the upcoming album will somehow meet the expectations of her fans at the very least. To her credit, I just think Lady Gaga cares enough for her fans and not disappoint them.

In my opinion, Lady Gaga has proven to be far more resourceful than we are ready to grant her when it comes to her continually reinventing herself and it is because of that driven ambitiousness that she will find a way to surprise her fans once more. It goes without saying that her risqué approach won’t be toned down even a bit.

And what can we expect each time there is a highly anticipated studio-release from a global superstar in the likes of a Lady Gaga? A leaked track, of course! Well, the question here is: Was it leaked by her? Or by someone in her label? This is an old and time tested strategy in order to generate more interest and to get more people talking about the upcoming release of ‘ARTPOP.’  Still, nothing is sure at this point. That is just how unpredictable the record industry works. But what we do know is that the name of the supposedly leaked track from ‘ARTPOP,’ is “Burqa” which has been available on various fan websites, blog sites, and other music related forums.

I got to listen to “Burqa” and while it does sound unpolished and unfinished in its entirety, it does hold some semblance to a typical Lady Gaga track. And given if “Burqa” is indeed a leaked track from ‘ARTPOP’ and not a demo track which didn’t make the cut to get included in any of her last two studio-releases, I still highly doubt if this is the version of “Burqa” her fans would want to hear and would be included in the final track listing for ‘ARTPOP.’

On a side note. The “supposed” album cover for ‘ARTPOP’ has also been leaked on the internet. But again, nothing really is final and can be said with complete certainty until we, the consumers and listeners, get to purchase the album from the record store shelves when it finally gets manufactured and distributed on our side of the globe.

However, here are the things that we know for sure and which have been made public already. The lead single “Applause” will officially be released on August 19 and Lady Gaga will perform “Applause” live at the MTV VMA’s on August 26. ‘ARTPOP’ is slated for a release from Interscope Records on November 11, 2013.