The journey back home

Many people aspire to join the Boston Marathon, Wimbledon or the NBA. If it seems unattainable, they’re content to just dream about it. But, in reality, those competitions aren’t as important as our real journey in life—to get back home to the spiritual dimension!

To reach our destination, we shouldn’t go around in circles or slide back to where we came from. We should move forward with stability to avoid regression or stagnation.


The journey toward our spiritual home requires sustained effort and patience. Even if our body aches from exertion and our mind spins with thoughts of quitting, we should push forward and persevere to reach our destination.

The trip requires wisdom, as well as directions on how to get there. Just as a coach is needed in sports, a spiritual mentor can help us get back home with his clarity of vision and knowledge.

Taking part in this “marathon” is for sincere seekers of truth, not for people who only crave for wealth and material things. In this special race, we don’t need to be physically strong, rich or highly educated. We only need sincerity and humility to accept the instructions of a “coach”—our Supreme Friend!