Greatest star of all

Show biz is full of tales about celebrities who are idolized by thousands of fans. They are bestowed titles like “superstar,” “megastar” or “all-time hero” by adoring audiences. But, after finding fame, many of them fade away.

But, there’s one heroic star whose luster has remained as bright as ever. He can perform amazing feats, and He doesn’t need a stuntman to take His place. At the same time, he’s compassionate, gentle and magnanimous. With his power and strength, he assists and protects the weak and the needy. And, He wishes to be a friend to all living entities!

This genuine star is artistic and clever. He can speak any language and can communicate with anyone, anywhere. He is a pleasant talker who can calm troubled souls. He enlightens others and presents all arguments with great authority and understanding.


He is truthful and respectful. When communicating with Him, there’s no need to fear rejection or being misunderstood. It’s safe to open up to Him, because He’s sincere and most loving.

The Supreme Being will never fade away like the rest of Tinseltown’s stars and starlets.  He is the greatest celebrity of all, and His opulence and luster are beyond equal. If you choose Him over others, He will never let you down.
